Friday, April 24, 2009

Well, this morning I spent my time in urgent care. I have been suffering from dizzy spells for about a year now (June 2008). My very first episode, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. I got up to go to the bathroom and fell over into the wall. I felt like I was completely drunk. Patrick woke up and helped me to the bathroom where I was profusely vomiting. I slept on the couch until the morning to see if it would go away. It didn't. Patrick drove me to the urgent care and as soon as the car stopped, I was violently vomiting in the parking lot. I could barely walk and felt sick to my stomach. On top of that, I still hadn't gained my balance back. The doctor hooked me up to IV fluids and administered a medication to help with the nausea. Gradually, all my symptoms went away. I followed up with my family doctor and she never really diagnosed what it specifically was that was wrong. Neither did urgent care. They did prescribe me with steriods and a medication that helps with nausea and the dizziness.

Since then, I've experienced a few episodes of dizziness but have always taken the medication and it goes away. Then recently I had another episode so I went to a different family doctor. She used an otoscope to look into my ears and when she looked in the left ear, I experienced pain I wouldn't put on my worst enemy. She said I had an inner ear infection and prescibed me ear drops and a stronger prescription to help with the dizziness and nausea.

After that visit, I've experienced a few dizzy spells while at work but take the medication and it seems to go away.

Yesterday, I experienced another dizzy spell so I took my meds. It didn't go away. I called the pharmacy to see if I could take another pill and she said I could. When I woke up this morning I was still dizzy so I knew something was wrong. The urgent care doctor couldn't really tell me what it was but recommended that I see a ear, nose and throat doctor to possibly get an MRI or cat scan done. I've scheduled an appointment for next week so wish me well. Still feeling a little dizzy but I have to go to work so hopefully nothing crazy happens.

Hopefully someone will figure out what is wrong with me because now everyone is saying that it's vertigo which could be caused by a million different things.

With Love,


  1. Okay... this might sound super strange, but it's because it might be true... and I'm a dork. Maybe you have crystals in your ears. Sometimes people get these calcium (or something like that) crystals inside their little ear tube parts and it throws your equilibrium WAY out of whack. Like life-altering out of whack. Sometimes they get dislodged and move around a bit-making you SUPER SICK. Then they settle down, you get used to their new position and everything is fine until you move your head around in a weird way and they dislodge themselves again. Not pleasant, but at least it is an answer. In any case, an ENT would be a good idea. Ask them about the crystals. They won't laugh, I promise... :)

  2. Thank goodness I read this before my appointment tomorrow morning. I will def ask about the crystals. Never heard of them before but it's worth asking. How do you know about them??

  3. What I had no idea are you okay? I went to the ER like 3 weeks ago its scary not feeling good! I hope that you feel better and kudos on the blog!
