Wednesday, April 22, 2009

House Hunting

I thought I'd start off with this picture I found. This was the very first time Patrick and I hung out. Already I was falling for him, as you can see.
Well, I've noticed a lot of people have blogs lately and I thought it would be an easy way to let everyone know what was going on with Patrick and I without having to call or e-mail each person. So, here it goes...

We received a letter on our garage a couple days ago stating that the house we are renting was now in active foreclosure and will be auctioned on May 18th at noon. Great!! No, it's not good news at all. We have been paying our rent on time for 7 months now and our lease is not up until Oct. 4th!! So that means we are getting kicked out in short notice and our landlord broke our lease. To make it even better, she claims she had no idea that the house would be put up for foreclosure. She claims that her husband lost his job and they were in the process of try to get a loan modification to lower their mortgage payments. Also that they were told not to pay their mortgage for 2 months. Well, obviously a house does not go up for foreclosure in just 2 months. It takes at least 6 to 7 months so she wasn't paying her mortgage since right after we moved in. Thanks Lady!!

So now, Patrick and I are trying to look into buying a house since there are so many cheap foreclosure houses. Our only issue... we only have a month, maybe two to move out of this house before we are officially evicted. Ok, so there are more than one issues. Another issue, my mom is coming to visit on May 13th, 5 days before the auction date. She was coming to relax and see us, not to house hunt and pack our things for us. Another issue, we still have to get approved for a loan. We're having some issues but are trying to work on those as quickly as possible. Another issue, we don't know the exact date we have to be out of this house. We've been told we have 30 days after the auction date and possibly another 30 days after that. No one is 100% sure.

Good news... we are living at this house rent free for at least a month. The landlord said she will give us back our refundable deposit but not all of our deposits because she is losing money and didn't know this was going to happen. Whether I believe that or not, that's not the point. Technically if we wanted to, we could probably take her to small claims court to fight for all of our deposits, as well as her breaking the lease, moving costs and emotional distress. But, we don't have the time, money or energy to do that. It sucks!!

Anyway, we have an appointment tomorrow to speak with someone regarding a home loan. Wish us luck with that and with everything else. Hopefully we won't end up homeless for a month. It might be a little cramped if we're living out of my car with 2 dogs!!


  1. First off - really cool blog! Such a great idea!

    Secondly - that really really really really sucks big time that you are going through all this house drama. But maybe ten years down the road you will look back and be grateful all of this happened. Maybe forcing you two to house hunt will cause you to find your absolute dream house and then you'll start a family and all kinds of other nonsense.... Oh and if your mom doesn't want to deal with all the house dramaness she can come visit me - I'm cooler than you anyways =P

  2. Yay! First comment on your blog! I'm so sorry that happened to you! What a bummer! I'm sure you guys will find a place that you love and that you can own yourselves. Everything happens for a reason...

    I will be thinking good thoughts for you!

    Lisa (Weisshaar) Dalton

  3. How miserable! I feel bad and excited for you at the same time. You shouldn't worry though,I know something good will come of all this. I know a family who experienced something similar. Everything worked out for them and they have their own house now. I am sure the same thing will happen for you guys. Besides, now is the best time to get a house now a days. I wish Ronald and I could do the same.
    I will be praying that everything works out for you. Thanks for the update. I've always wanted to start a blog, but I've never had the time. Great idea. Keep us posted.
    Love ya! Kristin
