Monday, April 27, 2009

ENT appointment and more

So my appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor is tomorrow morning. I feel absolutely fine so I hope they can figure something out. My dad kept saying that he had a doctor he recommended me to go to, but I made my appointment anyway. Turns out, it's the same doctor so that's good, right? I'll keep you posted.

In other news, Patrick and I went for a walk last night with the dogs because there is a foreclosure house right around the corner from us, but in the more expensive neighborhood. It was one of the properties our realtor e-mailed to us. We snuck a peak, all while hoping no one would call the police since it was dark out and we had a flashlight. It was scary looking through the windows because I kept freakin myself out like someone was going to stare right back at me from the inside. Creepy!! Anyway, from what we saw, we really liked it. So I called our realtor to see if we could get the lock box code to check it out today and turns out, there are already a few offers. So, we're giving up on that house. Darn tootin'. We still haven't recieved the letter that will decide if we can get a home loan yet, although it's only been a few days. Be patient.

At this point, we are super anxious and I think we just want to know for certain what is going to happen. It's all so fuzzy with how many days we're allowed to stay in this house, especially now that we have my mom coming on May 13th.

In other news, I'm pet sitting for a friend of a friend at the beginning of May. I went to their house to meet the cat and see the house. Holy Moly!! It is a gorgeous home. The whole neighborhood is. Luckily, they have a pool that looks like it goes right into the lake in their backyard and they said we could come over and swim while I'm petsitting. Don't need to ask me twice!! I'm super excited about it because we don't have a pool in our neighborhood.

Other than that, it's all new home business. We WANT to find out!!!

Wish us luck!!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Well, this morning I spent my time in urgent care. I have been suffering from dizzy spells for about a year now (June 2008). My very first episode, I woke up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous. I got up to go to the bathroom and fell over into the wall. I felt like I was completely drunk. Patrick woke up and helped me to the bathroom where I was profusely vomiting. I slept on the couch until the morning to see if it would go away. It didn't. Patrick drove me to the urgent care and as soon as the car stopped, I was violently vomiting in the parking lot. I could barely walk and felt sick to my stomach. On top of that, I still hadn't gained my balance back. The doctor hooked me up to IV fluids and administered a medication to help with the nausea. Gradually, all my symptoms went away. I followed up with my family doctor and she never really diagnosed what it specifically was that was wrong. Neither did urgent care. They did prescribe me with steriods and a medication that helps with nausea and the dizziness.

Since then, I've experienced a few episodes of dizziness but have always taken the medication and it goes away. Then recently I had another episode so I went to a different family doctor. She used an otoscope to look into my ears and when she looked in the left ear, I experienced pain I wouldn't put on my worst enemy. She said I had an inner ear infection and prescibed me ear drops and a stronger prescription to help with the dizziness and nausea.

After that visit, I've experienced a few dizzy spells while at work but take the medication and it seems to go away.

Yesterday, I experienced another dizzy spell so I took my meds. It didn't go away. I called the pharmacy to see if I could take another pill and she said I could. When I woke up this morning I was still dizzy so I knew something was wrong. The urgent care doctor couldn't really tell me what it was but recommended that I see a ear, nose and throat doctor to possibly get an MRI or cat scan done. I've scheduled an appointment for next week so wish me well. Still feeling a little dizzy but I have to go to work so hopefully nothing crazy happens.

Hopefully someone will figure out what is wrong with me because now everyone is saying that it's vertigo which could be caused by a million different things.

With Love,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Darn Tootin'

I wrote a big long blog and even included old pictures. Then my stupid ass, clicked on another button thinking it wouldn't take me to another page, but it did. So, there goes my blog. And now you're stuck with this boring one.


P.S. I've been saying darn tootin' lately and I don't know where I picked it up from. It's quite weird.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

House Hunting

I thought I'd start off with this picture I found. This was the very first time Patrick and I hung out. Already I was falling for him, as you can see.
Well, I've noticed a lot of people have blogs lately and I thought it would be an easy way to let everyone know what was going on with Patrick and I without having to call or e-mail each person. So, here it goes...

We received a letter on our garage a couple days ago stating that the house we are renting was now in active foreclosure and will be auctioned on May 18th at noon. Great!! No, it's not good news at all. We have been paying our rent on time for 7 months now and our lease is not up until Oct. 4th!! So that means we are getting kicked out in short notice and our landlord broke our lease. To make it even better, she claims she had no idea that the house would be put up for foreclosure. She claims that her husband lost his job and they were in the process of try to get a loan modification to lower their mortgage payments. Also that they were told not to pay their mortgage for 2 months. Well, obviously a house does not go up for foreclosure in just 2 months. It takes at least 6 to 7 months so she wasn't paying her mortgage since right after we moved in. Thanks Lady!!

So now, Patrick and I are trying to look into buying a house since there are so many cheap foreclosure houses. Our only issue... we only have a month, maybe two to move out of this house before we are officially evicted. Ok, so there are more than one issues. Another issue, my mom is coming to visit on May 13th, 5 days before the auction date. She was coming to relax and see us, not to house hunt and pack our things for us. Another issue, we still have to get approved for a loan. We're having some issues but are trying to work on those as quickly as possible. Another issue, we don't know the exact date we have to be out of this house. We've been told we have 30 days after the auction date and possibly another 30 days after that. No one is 100% sure.

Good news... we are living at this house rent free for at least a month. The landlord said she will give us back our refundable deposit but not all of our deposits because she is losing money and didn't know this was going to happen. Whether I believe that or not, that's not the point. Technically if we wanted to, we could probably take her to small claims court to fight for all of our deposits, as well as her breaking the lease, moving costs and emotional distress. But, we don't have the time, money or energy to do that. It sucks!!

Anyway, we have an appointment tomorrow to speak with someone regarding a home loan. Wish us luck with that and with everything else. Hopefully we won't end up homeless for a month. It might be a little cramped if we're living out of my car with 2 dogs!!