Monday, June 22, 2009

Our home

It's been awhile since I last wrote. We've been so stressed out and I just haven't felt up to it, especially since we weren't hearing any good news about anything. We were having issues with my credit (not my fault), but we were having to try to prove that we were right. It was a pain. I had to get proof from Sallie Mae (a student loan) that I was in deferrment in May of 2008 to show that I haven't had a late payment for over 12 months. For some reason, Sallie Mae reported to the credit bureaus that I did not make a payment for May 2008, when in reality it was in deferrment and should have shown that. We had to wait over a week to get this letter from Sallie Mae and then send it to the credit bureaus to have it updated which takes another 3 to 5 business days. 2 of the 3 credit bureaus changed my credit score as needed, but the one we actually needed, which was the middle score, needed me to write a letter to Sallie Mae stating that I was giving my permission for them to update my credit report. It was so tedious and confusing. I faxed my permission right away, but of course we had to wait 2 days before it was put on my record at Sallie Mae. Then we had to wait another 3 to 5 business days for the credit report to be updated. So much waiting, so much annoyance. Finally, we heard good news and found that my credit score went up to exactly what we needed to get this house.

We got approved for the loan and the bank accepted our offer on our first home!!!!!!!!!!!

Then we found out some other good news which was that the home we are in now, which was to be auctioned on June 18th, got post poned again until July 31st. That means that we don't have to move in with my dad until we move into our new house. We get to stay put until we move and we don't have to move twice.

We are now in the underwriting process which can take a couple weeks. We have to send in another form, but if all goes well, our broker said we could be moved into our new house in 3 weeks!!!

We are super excited about it and just want this process to be over with. It's been such a hassle and we really hate our landlord for putting us in a stressful situation like this. Granted, it's nice because now we will be home owners, but we felt rushed and we weren't quite ready to be shoved into this situation.

I'll keep you posted.


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