Saturday, May 16, 2009

Now, introducing... Lily Larabell!!

We did something crazy and got a new puppy. It's all my mom's fault. We were driving to lunch but we were about 20 minutes early before the restaurant opened. We saw a family with a sign selling puppies and my mom forced us to stop there. They had about 6 puppies that are half pit bull and half Shar Pei. I hate Shar Pei's. I've always had problems with them when I worked at the veterinary clinic, but like I said, my mom forced us to get one. We had lunch and came back to get our little princess. We definitely love her now. Molly is still getting used to her but can be a little aggressive so we've been seperating Lily. Kobe is calm and just doesn't care about her at this point.

Welcome Lily to our happy little family.

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