Friday, May 22, 2009

So close, yet so far

So, they did not accept our offer on our dream home. It was almost too good to be true so we aren't completely surprised, just slightly disappointed. We decided to broaden our horizon and look for houses farther out than we'd prefer (so that includes the neighborhood we live in now). There has actually been a house that keeps popping up in our community that has been on the market for about 2 months. I've skimmed it but it hasn't impressed me so we never looked at it. Patrick and I finally decided to check it out. It's actually right around the corner from where we live now. It's just about the same house, but slightly smaller and has a few differences. One plus is that it has a larger backyard for the dogs to play in. There are also two huge trees that give off so much shade and a covered patio. One downfall, is there is no refrigerator, washer and dryer and it appears that the stove is broken. The kitchen is also pretty open, but small. We can live with it. It's a two story home with 3 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. It's about 1,500 square feet which is perfect for us. Does need some small improvements like new carpeting and tile and of course, a paint job, but it's something we could definitely live in. The best news, since it's been on the market for so long, they reduced the price from originally $171,000 to $124,900 after 60 days. We put a bid on it and are waiting for their response.

I did receive a phone call from our realtor, Claire, who said the listing agent had called her to say that we had the highest bid in and he wanted to go ahead and talk to the bank to see if they would speed up the process and just accept our offer. We are super excited and hope that the bank accepts it as soon as possible since we need to be out of this home by June 18th. It would be amazing to move just down the street and start setting up our new home.

I'll keep you posted.

Monday, May 18, 2009

House news

Well, I'm slightly nervous only because our house is supposedly being auctioned in 1 minute. That's a little frightening since I am currently sitting in the office of the house being auctioned with nothing around me packed. Let's cross our fingers that they postpone the auction or that they give us more time to stay here.

Patrick and I are going to meet with our realtor in a little bit to sign a counter offer for the house we are interested in. It sounds too good to be true so we aren't getting our hopes up just yet, but we really really hope we get that house. It would definitely be our dream home and would be a great investment for our first home together.

We will talk to our realtor today also about other properties we're interested in and whether or not we should put a bid in on those as well.

Little Lily only woke me up twice last night, as opposed to the 8 times she woke us up the night before. We tried to keep her up as long as we could after we got home from work, but she's still a puppy and they need their rest. She woke up at 3 AM so I let her out. It only took her about 10 minutes to fall back asleep after she was done biting my face and hair. Then she woke up again at 6 AM. That took her 15 minutes to fall back asleep and luckily for me, she slept in until about 9:45 AM. Hopefully this pattern keeps going and eventually I can get a full nights rest. Although, she's been sleeping on my neck, regardless if I'm on my stomach, back or side. She is on top of me!! Another mama's girl!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Now, introducing... Lily Larabell!!

We did something crazy and got a new puppy. It's all my mom's fault. We were driving to lunch but we were about 20 minutes early before the restaurant opened. We saw a family with a sign selling puppies and my mom forced us to stop there. They had about 6 puppies that are half pit bull and half Shar Pei. I hate Shar Pei's. I've always had problems with them when I worked at the veterinary clinic, but like I said, my mom forced us to get one. We had lunch and came back to get our little princess. We definitely love her now. Molly is still getting used to her but can be a little aggressive so we've been seperating Lily. Kobe is calm and just doesn't care about her at this point.

Welcome Lily to our happy little family.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Another update

Well, we went to look at houses last Friday with my wonderful friend and realtor, Claire. She made a special trip with us even though we don't have our preapproval yet and it was sorta pointless to look at the houses without one. We looked at 10 houses and found 3 that we liked. One was in immaculate condition and we would have bought it right then and there if we could've.

She gave us a referral to a broker she works with who also has more references and can get us approved with anyone instead of simply through Country Wide, who we were trying to go through. Her name is Tracy. So when I got the letter on Monday from Sallie Mae (that was the letter we needed in order to fix my credit), I e-mailed it to Tracy, who in turn called the credit bureau's and is having my credit updated. She said it would take about 4 days so hopefully we hear something by tomorrow at the latest. Once that is all settled, we can begin the process of getting preapproved or simply approved for a home loan. We can then narrow down our price range and start putting in offers since we are in a time crunch.

Our house is going up for auction in 11 days!! That's kinda scary!!

My mom is coming to visit on Wednesday, 6 days. I'm cleaned out one of the rooms that we originally used as a spare bedroom. The fuse that powers the entire room went out and we are not going to fix it. So we just moved the bed into the office, which has plenty of room for it. I vaccuumed the other room so it's one thing less I have to worry about when we actually start moving. Then I cleaned the spare bathroom (tub, sink, etc.) so my mom can use it when she's here. I was gonna clean the rest of the house, but everything gets so dusty so quickly that I have to wait til it's closer to the day she arrives.

In other news, Patrick went to school today and hopefully it will be his last day. He might have to go back in for one more presentation but we're hoping not. Then summer school starts for both of us on June 1st. We are So excited - NOT!! He's taking a Biology class and I'm taking a math class. Unfortunately, they don't offer the class I'm taking at the college that's close by, so I have to drive a little bit farther to MCC for my class. Oh well. Gotta get it done.

Cross your fingers that we get our loan soon. We're running out of time.